February 11, 2020

Today was a very exciting day!  We had someone from the Arctic Institute at that University of Calgary come in and show us some artifacts from the Arctic!  We had to try to figure out what the artifacts were used for.  We also got to try on some funny snow goggles, and touch a real polar bear skin!  Ask your son what his favourite part was, and what he learned.

Our class has been talking a lot about kindness in the past few weeks, and what it looks like to be kind to eachother.  In the spirit of kindness, and because Valentines day is coming up, we also had a STEAM challenge at the end of the day to create a heart. 

If you are sending Valentines into class to hand out, please make sure that there is one for every student.  We have 19 students in our class.

Kid Talk
PH: My favourite ting that the Arctic Institute showed me was the oolou (knife)
AH: My favourite thing was the polar bear hide
CC: My favourite thing was the knife/oolou  because they used it to make clothes.  I thought one of the most interesting facts was that the Inuit boys clothes had a pattern that went left to right and the girls clothes had a pattern that went up to down.
